:: Re: [DNG] Which email client can I …
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Autor: Edward Bartolo
Data: 2015-12-14 19:58 -000
Para: Teodoro Santoni
CC: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Which email client can I use to properly quote emails?
On 14/12/2015, Teodoro Santoni <asbrasbra@???> wrote:
> Actually you *can* quote previous replies with gmail classic (and
> javascriptnightmare gmail too): click on "reply to all" and use the
> form, avoid the rapid reply dumbery.

Hi Teodoro,

Thanks for this tip. I tried icedove (aka Thunderbird) but was
immediately dissuaded from using it as it looks too bloated and too
processor intensive for my hardware. The remaining problem is, how do
I quote other email threads?
