Le 14/12/2015 13:00, Arnt Gulbrandsen a écrit :
> Didier Kryn writes:
>> Le 13/12/2015 19:26, Arnt Gulbrandsen a écrit :
>>> 2) that people generally remember what a thread is about when based
>>> on the subject
>> Arnt, let's be consistent. You assume the author doesn't expect
>> the reader to need the citation. This means that the citation is left
>> only because the author is too lazzy to cut it.
> Not at all. And please don't use "you" in that manner; as you can see
> I quote like an old unix fart (at least when I'm using a device with a
> keyboard).
In this sentence, I was meaning 'you' as general, not personal. I'm
not a native English speaker and, in French, we commonly use 'you' for
'one'. I thought it was the same in English, sorry.
> The necessary assumption is that the reader is LIKELY to remember the
> context from the subject field. Or put differently, top-posting
> optimises for the case where the reader SELDOM needs to read the
> quoted matter, but not NEVER.
The fact is that, if there is more than one level of citation, the
whole citation is unreadable. Or it can be read with a lot of effort.
Actually it takes more effort to *every* reader to read it than it would
take to the *single* writer to bottom-post. If a writer want her/his
mail to be read by many, it is up to her/him to make the effort to
format it in a reader-friendly format; and the reader-friendly format is
bottom-post, as has been acknowledged by the netiquette, and has been
well explained by Simon Hobson.
Le 14/12/2015 12:29, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI a écrit :
> In other words: TRIM YOUR POSTS? YOU LAZY BUGGERS ! I didn't mean to say it with such a tone of rudeness (maybe I
failed), but that's exactly the idea :-)