:: Re: [DNG] gcc error: "error: unknow…
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Autore: Edward Bartolo
Data: 2015-12-02 10:08 -000
To: aitor_czr
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Oggetto: Re: [DNG] gcc error: "error: unknown type name,,‘GtkObject’"
Hi Aitor et al,

I succeeded to run your application without needing a root jail but I
did some modifications to your code:

a)Line 59, spinner.c
     priv = (Private*) g_malloc (sizeof (struct _Private));

b) Line 73 commented out (removed)
//gtk_builder_connect_signals (builder, NULL);


On 02/12/2015, aitor_czr <aitor_czr@???> wrote:
> Hi Edward,
> Here you are the example of the spinner in Gtk3+:
> http://gnuinos.org/GtkBuilder/
> and you will understand how to use the signal handlers.
> The same example in Gtkmm3:
> https://gitlab.com/aitor_czr/spinner/blob/master/spinner.cpp
> Cheers,
>    Aitor.

> P.D.- I keep asking myself why the spinner works within a chroot jail,
> and not outside it.
> On 02/12/15 07:57, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>> Hi Aitor et al,
>> I created gtk3 application but have problems connecting events to
>> signals using the infamous:
>> gtk_builder_connect_signals (builder, NULL);
>> No signals are connected making the application terminate without
>> proper cleanup.
>> The central part of GUI programming seems to be also the most
>> contorted and mysterious part. In Delphi and Lazarus Pascal,
>> implementing an event handler is a matter of a few mouse clicks, or at
>> most, an assignment of a procedural variable to the component.onclick
>> property.
>> Edward