:: Re: [DNG] lightweight graphics tool…
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Lähettäjä: Roger Leigh
Päiväys: 2015-11-28 18:39 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] lightweight graphics toolkits (was Experiencing with GtkBuilder)
On 28/11/2015 18:46, Godefridus Daalmans wrote:
> If your programs depend on CDE, you could try to compile them against
> lesstif2,
> that's an LGPL implementation of Motif, on top of just the X libraries.
> I don't know if it's binary-compatible or if it's actively maintained.

Not sure of its current status, but given the need for Motif is now very
low, I would imagine it's not too active.

The other thing to point out is that the real Motif toolkit was opened
up with the relicensing of CDE. There was some initial activity to make
it build and run on modern systems, but not sure what the current state
of some things are, e.g. client-side fonts and unicode (was previously
old-style XLFD and no unicode). So the need for lesstif is now moot,
unless there are lesstif bits to merge into motif.
