:: Re: [DNG] Experiencing with GtkBuil…
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Lähettäjä: Edward Bartolo
Päiväys: 2015-11-27 15:14 -000
Vastaanottaja: aitor_czr, dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Experiencing with GtkBuilder
Hi Aitor et al,

I tried Glade 3.18.3 but found it enforces the use of gtk3.* which
happens to be quite different from previous versions. Even the way
components are managed on a form or a container seems different.
Therefore, it makes sense to ask which version you (Aitor) are using.
I want to avoid the situation of creating a GUI that we wouldn't be
able to use.

In line with the above, I would also like to ask, which version of gtk
you are using.


On 27/11/2015, Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:
> Le 26/11/2015 17:12, Rainer Weikusat a écrit :
>> In case this wasn't plain enough: You shouldn't just use C++ because
>> some C++ user is convinced that writing anything in another programming
>> language must be a grievious error. They're all concinved of that and
>> for that matter, if you're only tool is a combined
>> lawnmower-hovercraft-main-battle-tank-guided-missile-destroyer-eggwarmer-toothpick-and-vibraphone
>> you're more likely to complain that parking spaces are all so much too
>> tight than consider how people ever manage to park the more specialized
>> vehicles totally fit for the purpose of 'human & groceries
>> transportation' in them.
>      Rainer,

>      I often cannot determine wether I agree or disagree with what you
> say, just because of the incredibly twisted language you use to express
> yourself. Could you pease make an effort towards more simplicity?

>      Thanks.

>                          Didier

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