Autor: Hendrik Boom Data: A: dng Assumpte: Re: [DNG] alternative to raspbian without systemd
On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 09:31:21PM -0700, Gregory Nowak wrote: > Hi all,
> I think the subject makes my question clear enough, but I'll provide
> some background. The x86_64 machine I'm currently using as a
> router/freenet node/i2p node has some components which are on the
> brink of failing, the mobo seems to be one of those. So, I'm looking
> at what to replace it with, and it seems like the raspberry pi 2b
> should do most if not all of what I want nicely, and for a small
> price. I am considering what I would run on it, and naturally raspbian
> is my first choice, since I'm already very familiar with debian.
I'm curious about the use as a router. How many physical net
connections can a raspberry pi have?