:: Re: [DNG] Experiencing with GtkBuil…
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Skribent: Rainer Weikusat
Dato: 2015-11-23 13:50 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Experiencing with GtkBuilder
Roger Leigh <rleigh@???> writes:
> On 23/11/2015 11:49, Nate Bargmann wrote:
>> * On 2015 23 Nov 00:53 -0600, aitor_czr wrote:
>>> In my opinion, using C with lists will be the most suitable.
>> Have you looked at what glib provides? It is an underlying library of
>> GTK and seems to contain many such solutions.
> Using GLib for structures like linked lists (GList) etc. is a much
> better solution than reinventing them unnecessarily.

I beg to differ here: Using a lot of complicated code in order to
accomplish something simple, ie, management of linked lists, may be
regarded as advantageous, eg, because it enables avoiding a (typically
negligible) amount of work or because it's more politically feasible but
$code doesn't become a 'better' solution for some $problem just because
it can be downloaded for free from the internet. And that's especially
true for code written by people who invent stuff like this

    typedef void *gpointer;

        [paraphrase] "Use that because it looks better and is easier to

The marketing hasn't really changed much on the path from this to
systemd :->. Considering that netman is a spare-time development (AIUI),
'saving work' at any cost shouldn't be overridingly important, IOW, glib
(or one the other 5,000,000 general container libraries written in C
which doubtlessly exist) is an option and not more. And an option which
comes with the usual downside of complex libraries, namely, instead of
writing code to solve the actual problem, one will end up with writing
code to work around inconvenient behaviour of the library and/ or have
to fix bugs in it. And for trivial stuff, this will end up being a lot
more work than just implement what is actually needed had been.