:: Re: [DNG] Dng Digest, Vol 14, Issue…
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Autor: aitor_czr
Fecha: 2015-11-22 18:21 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Dng Digest, Vol 14, Issue 63
Hi Edward, Steve,

It's possible to use classes and objects only while using gtk3.

Have you a preference for using c++ in netman?

As Jude Nelson said: c++ is not a standardized language.


Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> writes:
>>> > >Is it possible to use classes and objects while using gtk2/3? I
>>> > >noticed that only functions are used and that class use is ovoided
>>> > >by prepending functions with a group string. As far as I know, C can
>>> > >still use structs that are attached to a set of data and a set of
>>> > >functions, but without inheritance and polymorphyism.
>> >
>> >C structs can be embedded into each other which means they can
>> >'inherit' other structs, eg, for a totally contrived example
>> >
>> >struct something {
>> >    int number0, number1;
>> >};

>> >
>> >struct another {
>> >    struct something parent;
>> >         int drei;
>> >};
> That's composition, not inheritance. It's "has-a", not "is-a". You need
> to name the whole chain when calling an element (someth->anoth->drei
> rather than someth->drei).

> If Edward's anything like me, we both learned OOP from that Philippe
> Kahn video where Philippe plays a horn and speaks of these three
> capabilities of objects:
> * Encapsulation
> * Inheritance
> * Polymorphism
> In my personal opinion, Encapsulation is by far the strongest benefit,
> and in fact I seldom use inheritance and almost never use polymorphism.
> So personally, I'm just fine with composing large objects with smaller
> component objects, all the way down the tree. Especially since a lot of
> that nesting can be hidden in methods (I'm pretty sure that function
> pointers can be used as methods in C).
> But technically, what you wrote above isn't inheritance.
> SteveT