Autore: fsmithred Data: 2015-11-21 16:03 -000 To: dng Oggetto: Re: [DNG] How to integrate devuan-installer in an existing devuan
based system
On 11/21/2015 07:27 AM, aitor_czr wrote: > "How to integrate devuan-installer in an existing devuan based system" <snip>
Nice howto. Not too long - just the right length.
Is there a devuan-installer package, or are we just using the debian
> Install the following packages:
> root@devuan:~# apt-get install live-boot live-boot-initramfs-tools
> live-tools live-config live-config-sysvinit
These will already be installed in Refracta or Exegnulinux. (Possibly not
live-tools, I think I left it out in the last Refracta builds. I'm pretty
sure that all it does is change update-initramfs so it puts the updated
initrd in /live instead of in /boot.)
> You can use 'mksquashfs' for getting the new filesystem.squashfs, but i
> prefer to use live-build.
> Using live-build we will get a better compression (Ozi and Frits are
> working on that).
Try it with 'mksquashfs -comp=xz' for a smaller file. If you can compress
better than that, I would like to know more about it. Thanks.