:: Re: [DNG] How to integrate devuan-i…
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Autor: aitor_czr
Datum: 2015-11-21 11:40 -000
To: Ozi Traveller, dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] How to integrate devuan-installer in an existing devuan based system
I forgot umounting the partitions:

umount chroot/proc
umount chroot/sys
umount chroot/dev/pts

after exiting from the chroot jail. Be sure that chroot/proc and
chroot/sys are empty, because sometimes they are busy. Otherwise,
restart the computer.


On 11/21/2015 01:27 PM, aitor_czr wrote:
> Hi all,
> This example is for amd64 architecture.
> I genuinely apologize for the length of the post !!
> Download the iso distribution: ExeGnuLinux, Refracta, Star... or
> whatever you want, and extract the content.
> You will find a squashfs file in it (there are exceptions like
> knoppix, which uses loop). This file is named filesystem.squashfs in
> the most of the cases.
> Mount the file into a chroot jail and enter move up to it:
> $ mkdir /tmp/squashfs
> $ sudo su
> # mount -t squashfs -o loop filesystem.squashfs /tmp/squashfs
> # rsync -v -rlt -a /tmp/squashfs/ chroot
> # umount /tmp/squashfs/
> # mount -t none -o bind /proc chroot/proc
> # mount -t none -o bind /sys chroot/sys
> # mount -t none -o bind /dev/pts chroot/dev/pts
> # xhost +
> If you don't type xhost+, you will can't be able to run graphical
> applications into the jail.
> Copy the following files:
> # cp /etc/hostname chroot/etc/hostname
> # cp /etc/hostname/hosts chroot/etc/hostname/hosts
> # cp /etc/hostname/resolv.conf chroot/etc/resolv.conf
> Now you will have network connection into the jail.
> Move up to the jail:
> # chroot chroot
> Do all the changes you want in the system. The following three points
> are very important:
> i) The kernel in the system and the kernel in the installer must be
> the same.
> ii) Install all the grub dependencies, but not the grub.
> iii) Remove /etc/fstab... Yes, kick it! If you don't remove this file,
> doing a manual partition during the installation, your personal folder
> will not be created (this is a bug in debian-installer).
> Install the following packages:
> root@devuan:~# apt-get install live-boot live-boot-initramfs-tools
> live-tools live-config live-config-sysvinit
> Create a file "/etc/live/config.conf" containing something like that:
> LIVE_USER_DEFAULT_GROUPS="cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse
> bluetooth netdev scanner"
> Make a backup of your sources.list:
> root@devuan:~# cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-back
> Don't rename this file.
> Create an executable /usr/bin/preseed-hack:
> #! /bin/bash
> dpkg --purge live-boot live-boot-initramfs-tools live-tools
> live-config live-config-sysvinit
> rm -rf /etc/live
> rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list
> mv /etc/apt/sources.list-back /apt/sources.list
> FILE=/etc/fstab
> if grep "^/dev/sd" ${FILE} | grep "/media/" | grep "auto"
> then
>     LINE1=`grep "^/dev/sd" ${FILE} | grep "/media/" | grep "auto"`
>     LINE2="## ${LINE1}"
>     rpl -q "${LINE1}" "${LINE2}" ${FILE}
> fi
> if grep "^/dev/sr" ${FILE} | grep "/media/cdrom"
> then
>     LINE3=`grep "^/dev/" ${FILE} | grep "/media/cdrom"`
>     LINE4="## ${LINE3}"
>     rpl -q "${LINE3}" "${LINE4}" ${FILE}
> fi
> exit 0

> The above script fixes another bug in debian-installer.
> Clean the system and exit:
> root@devuan:~# apt-get autoremove --purge
> root@devuan:~# apt-get autoclean
> You can use 'mksquashfs' for getting the new filesystem.squashfs, but
> i prefer to use live-build.
> Using live-build we will get a better compression (Ozi and Frits are
> working on that).
> Install 'live-build' and 'squashfs-tools' packages, and type:
> $ mkdir live-build
> $ cd live-build
> $ sudo su
> # lb init
> Here you are an example for lb-config (choose your nearest mirror):
> # lb config -a amd64 \
>       --binary-images iso \
>       --distribution jessie \
>       --win32-loader false \
>       --checksums md5 \
>       --archive-areas "main" \
>       --apt-recommends false \
>       --apt aptitude \
>       --apt-options --yes \
>       --build-with-chroot false \
>       --parent-mirror-bootstrap "deb 
> http://es.mirror.devuan.org/merged/" \
>       --parent-mirror-binary "deb http://es.mirror.devuan.org/merged/" \
>       --mirror-bootstrap "deb http://es.mirror.devuan.org/merged/" \
>       --mirror-binary "deb http://es.mirror.devuan.org/merged/"

> # lb bootstrap && lb chroot
> Now you will have the following folders:
> .build
> cache
> chroot
> config
> Make a backup of the chroot folder and replace it by the chroot
> containing your distribution, or create a simbolic link pointing to it.
> Build the system:
> # lb binary
> And you will get your new filesystem.squashfs !!
> Now we are going to include it in the iso.
> Install 'genisoimage', 'syslinux' and 'syslinux-utils' packages.
> Download the following live image of Devuan:
> gnuinos.org/devuan
> Extract it with file-roller or isomaster in a file named 'DEVUAN', and
> replace the following files:
> live/filesystem.squashfs
> live/initrd.img
> live/vmlinuz
> You can also customize the splash, etc...
> The following script will generate the new *.iso image and the *.iso.md5:
> #!/bin/sh
> CREATEISO="`which mkisofs`"
> if [ "$CREATEISO" = "" ]; then
> CREATEISO="`which genisoimage`"
> fi
> LIVECDLABEL="unofficial Devuan 1.0 Alpha2"
> CUSTOMISO="unofficial-Devuan-1.0-Alpha2_amd64.iso"
> find $WORKDIR/$ISOTMP -xdev -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sums
>  -quiet \
>  -r    \
>  -V "$LIVECDLABEL"    \
>  -cache-inodes    \
>  -J    \
>  -l    \
>  -b isolinux/isolinux.bin    \
>  -c isolinux/boot.cat    \
>  -no-emul-boot    \
>  -boot-load-size 4    \
>  -boot-info-table    \

> To sum up, i will explain how to customize the appearance of the
> installer.
> We will do that using CPIO.
> Copy 'install/gtk/initrd.gz' file in a new directory and move up to it.
> Now type:
> $ gunzip initrd.gz
> $ mkdir tmp
> $ cd tmp
> $ sudo su
> # cpio -id < ../initrd
> Now you can customize the following folders (i will not go into details):
> usr/share/themes
> usr/share/graphics
> Generate tne new initrd.gz:
> # rm -f ../initrd
> # find . | cpio --create --format='newc' > ../initrd
> # cd ..
> # gzip initrd
> ... And that's all :)
> Aitor.
> P.D.- I genuinely apologize again for the length of the post !!