:: Re: [DNG] Removing of systemd cause…
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Autor: Hendrik Boom
Data: 2015-11-20 09:50 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Removing of systemd causes removal of CUPS
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 10:23:43AM +0000, Antonio Trkdz.tab wrote:
> Dear All,
> I recently upgraded to Devuan from Wheezy.
> I investigate the possibility to remove any trace of systemd from my
> system, but
> in the list of packets to be purged there is also CUPS and a bunch of its
> dependencies.
> Maybe this has been already covered in other discussion, but I would like
> to know if there is a work around to keep CUPS or if you can suggest an
> alternative printing system.
> Thank you in advance.

I've been working on getting my laptop to talk directy to the printer
using old, pre-Cups protocols, and so far have had trouble with getting
it to communicate properly. Haven't worked on this for a while because
of responsibilities with nanowrimo, and am using a temprary workaround
of moving pdf's to another machine that does pdf's. Of course I'll be
back on the case in December, and it's probably something trivial that's
in the way.

-- hendrik