:: Re: [DNG] greybeards
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著者: Rainer Weikusat
To: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] greybeards
Didier Kryn <kryn@???> writes:


>     The force which makes software development possible is, of course,
> enthusiasm, but it needs some heading.

A problem someone recently posted to comp.lang.perl.misc was "assuming
$R is a string specifiying a sequence of 1-based indices and @A an array
whose length is evenly divisble by length($R), how can the contents of
@A be reordered as specified by the indices from $R (to be applied to
each length($R) sized subset of @A in turn)?" There's an (IMHO)
extremely neat solution,

my $R = '4213';
my @A = qw(aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll);

my @r = $R =~ /./g;
my $n;
print("@A[map {(0, map $n++, @r)[@r]} 1..@A/@r]", "\n");

which is the closest thing to a poem I've seen in code so far. I had the
pleasure to discover this (or it came to me --- I'd never claim to have
'invented' that) and if that's a sign of "enthusiasm", it's one of a
very different kind than taking enormous pride in creating widely
loathed, large agglomerations of clumsily written code based on the
conviction that "everything anybody else ever did was completely wrong"