:: Re: [DNG] dbus, Was Re: Systemd-fr…
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Skribent: Rainer Weikusat
Dato: 2015-11-15 19:03 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] dbus, Was Re: Systemd-free network-manager package
Steve Litt <slitt@???> writes:
> Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> wrote:
>> D-BUS is an OO RPC system intended to enable long-running
>> applications to call methods implemented by other long-running
>> applications provided these other long-running applications run on the
>> same computer.
> Everybody ordering around everybody else's soldiers. What could
> POSSIBLY go wrong?

One of my pet theories about "software development" would be that code
complexity is self-limiting: The more complicated the solution to a
fairly simple problems happens to be, the less complicated the problems
solvable within the existing framework become. Eg, replacing the ca
20,000 LOC of the default Debian system startup system prior to systemd
with the (reportedly) more than 600,000 LOC systemd[*] is comprised of will
make it next to impossible to adapt the system to use cases not foreseen
by its authors because the amount of work necessary for doing so becomes
prohibitively expensive and because this work will become much more

[*] The idea that increasing the amount of code involved with the task
of "starting less than a dozen programs" by a factor of 30 in order to
"improve the system" has decidedly "mad scientist" qualities ...