:: Re: [DNG] Interesting read from RMS
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Autor: Clarke Sideroad
Datum: 2015-11-12 15:47 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Interesting read from RMS
On 12/11/15 08:44 AM, Emiliano Marini wrote:
> Interesting article from Richard Stallman.
> https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/applying-free-sw-criteria.html
> It starts with:/
> /
> /
> /
> /"For a software package to be free, all the code in it must be free.
> But not only the code. Since documentation files including *manuals,
> README, change log, and so on* are essential technical parts of a
> software package, they must be free as well."/
> And concludes with:
> /"*As new situations arise*, the GNU Project and the Free Software
> Foundation *will adapt our freedom criteria* so as to lead computer
> users towards freedom, in practice and in principle."/
> Maybe RSM has some concern about Red Hat, systemd and the new idea of
> "freedom of code vs. freedom of developers"?

In my interpretation the Systemd software collection and its ever
expanding forced adoption fails in the first sentence by *restricting
users' freedom*.

"You are free as long as you stay under this dome and wear handcuffs for
your own protection."
"We do know what's best for you."

No dome or cuffs for me, this is written on a Devuan Ceres install using
Devuan and Adam Borowski's repos.
I stumbled a few times getting here, but no big problem as I was no
longer wearing handcuffs. (-:

Thanks to all,
