著者: Mitt Green 日付: To: Fernando M. Maresca CC: Dng 題目: Re: [DNG] An abrupt end to Debian Live CD version?
I wonder how many people that use Debian for quite long time (since 90s or
the beginning of this millennium) really like systemd, GNOME3
and all these controversial things. I haven't met any. And even more,
most "greybeards" that I've seen oppose it. Seems like they don't have
a right to vote.
Debian is Fedora already, assuming Red Hat is taking control
of the whole system in a known way. Red Hat is 2010s Novell.
By the way, each time Fedora comes, I try LiveCD with it, GNOME3, Workstation
as they call it. Each time it fails, freezing in either boot stage, while copying
data, while doing usual tasks with GUI. Their package management is slow,
adding repositories is just painful. And finding stuff in GNOME3 is
Some, such as NetBSD, still have GNOME2 in repositories (pkgsrc
in NetBSD case).