:: Re: [DNG] Office pack
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Autor: Rainer Weikusat
Data: 2015-11-09 20:15 -000
Para: Dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Office pack
Mitt Green <mitt_green@???> writes:
> Ted is cool; I think it's time to start learning LaTeX using vim, as well as sc,
> they both are something different from the "standard office".

JFTR: I've been using LaTeX to write every 'formal' text I needed to
write for about the last 20 years, ranging from term papers to
book-sized software manuals and all kinds of stuff in between, and I
found this both an enjoyable and a productive experience. But you'll
have to be a programmer or at least have an inclination for programming
in order to appreciate it as you'll end up programming the layout for
the text. This means all these relatively little things which tend to
drive people nuts like "using non-alphanumeric characters according to
an intricate set of rules for employing them", with the computer
mercilessly rejecting everything which doesn't conform to the rules of
the language as wrong.

One will usually also need a tool like make in order to cut down the
manual work necessary for creating a new formatted version of some text,
eg, this

# CV Makefile
#       $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 2015/07/14 11:55:34 rw Exp $

BASE := $(shell pwd)
TEX := $(BASE)/tex
IN := cv

CP := cp
LNS := ln -s
RM := rm -f
XLTX := xelatex

.PHONY: all clean

all: $(BASE)/$(IN).pdf

        $(RM) $(BASE)/$(IN).pdf
        $(RM) $(TEX)/$(IN).*

$(TEX)/$(IN).pdf: $(TEX)/$(IN).tex $(TEX)/structure.tex
        cd $(TEX); $(XLTX) $<
        cd $(TEX); $(XLTX) $<

$(TEX)/%: $(BASE)/%
        $(LNS) $< $@

$(BASE)/%: $(TEX)/%
        cp $< $@

is the Makefile I'm using for my CV and without that, working on the
text would be a lot more cumbersome.