:: [DNG] laptop beeps
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Συντάκτης: Hendrik Boom
Ημερομηνία: 2015-11-05 18:55 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: [DNG] laptop beeps
Every now and then my laptop beeps. It happens approximately once a
minute, although it is not at all regular, and sometimes the time
between beeps is as little as ten seconds. Sometimes it's quiet for
longer stretches of time, then it starts again.

It stopped when I logged out, and started again when I logged in.

Then twice today it has spent a minute or so emitting regular (several
times a second) beeps that are much quieter than the above beeps, so
quiet that I had to get my wife (who is not slowly going deaf) to make
sure that it *was* my laptop beeping.

I'm running alpha2 devuan with xfce4. ps -l tells me, among other
things, that I have dbus-launch, dbus-daemon, pulseaudio. dbus-daemon
(yes, another one), and start-pulseaudi running. I don't know if any of
that is relevant.

Any ideas how I should track this down?

-- hendrik