:: Re: [DNG] Systemd-free distros Was …
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Autor: Mitt Green
Data: 2015-11-03 19:01 -000
Para: Edward Bartolo
CC: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Systemd-free distros Was Re: Distrowatch
Graphical doesn't always mean "user-friendly" or "for clueless people". We can
simply look at Unity and GNOME3 where you can barely find stuff on your
computer and some software that works better and simpler in terminal
(compare that Ubuntu software centre and APT‎, dd and Unetbootin, I believe
we can name much more examples here), sometimes we really need to see
what's going on and console is the only way (and easiest so far) like that
eyecandy crap like Plymouth which doesn't let me see my boot messages.

The purpose is decluttering and not removing interfaces that sometimes are
really cool (as with Gparted or Grub-customiser). But they also have a choice
to be X-less; Devuan offers greater freedom than Debian and goes the way 
Debian was, let's say, prior to Wheezy.

By the way, Ubuntu haven't been solving problems over the years, Unity remains
buggy and unusable, their other technologies (Upstart, Snappy or whatever the
name is, Ubuntu Touch) are in nowhere (or maybe I'm wrong?).
But Canonical is a different  topic.

Cheers and have good day if you are not already having it,


On 03/11/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> What is the point of changing anything if it doesn't offer something
> different?
> Devuan is about choice rather than the CLI alone as the latter is only
> one element in the set of user interfaces. Devuan does not want to
> remove graphical interfaces: anyone thinking Devuan will remove
> graphical interfaces, is completely wrong.
> Here, you are talking to someone who developed a GRAPHICAL network
> manager. You see, I too created an application to help 'clueless'
> users. Ubuntu is not the only distribution to help newbies.
> On 03/11/2015, Nuno Magalhães <nunomagalhaes@???> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 6:28 AM, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>>> I think, the majority of people opting to use a non-mainstream OS like
>>> GNU/Linux do so for a good reason, and those who use it to look geeky
>>> and to impress, simply cannot persevere when problems crop up and take
>>> a good deal of effort to resolve.
>> Ever heard of Ubuntu? Things magically solve themselves upon next
>> release... or just use their forums, 1 every 10 answers will point you
>> in the right directions.
>> Linux is no longer a command-line hydra to install. The
>> minimum-IT-knowledge bar, for better or for worse, is lowering.
>> Next-next-next-done in a luser-friendly UI is the new paradigm.
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