:: Re: [DNG] Is Jude Nelson OK?
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Autor: aitor_czr
Data: 2015-10-28 13:47 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] Is Jude Nelson OK?
I had a look at vdev...


I will try to debianize it.


On 26/10/15 13:00, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
>> >On Mon, 2015-10-26 at 10:46 +0100, shraptor wrote:
>>> > >Maybe he is just swamped with work.
>> >
>> >He said he follows what's happening and that there are still some
>> >hiccups to work out. He also wrote that he finds less and less time
>> >time to work on vdev this academic year.
> Of course this is it. a Ph.D. can be very demanding especially in
> writing phase and especially if full-time and including a tuition
> contract.
> Lets allow people involved to find their own pace as Devuan is still
> based on voluntary effort and everyone involved feels enough the urge as
> well the peer pressure.
> The current development phase is aligning for a beta release, there is a
> lot of work going on on many levels, not only technical, but less
> urgency for vdev anyway, which won't be substituting udev right away.
> It is indeed good to have it packaged, so more people can try and
> perhaps it will attract more contributors.
> So in case of vdev I have no worries, as Jude is well dedicated and
> understand the huge importance of what he is doing, with your help of
> course, and also vdev is a concrete outcome of his Ph.D. thesis, so
> there is an incentive also in that context to carry it on.
> In any case, good that we care about each other. After all it's been one
> year now we are sitting around this camp, warming canned beans in pans
> over the fire and doing our best to re-build a new town :^) and its
> coming along.
> ciao