:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Restarting Darkwalle…
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Autor: odinn
Data: 2015-10-19 21:06 -000
Para: System undo crew, Cody R Wilson, Jaromil
Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Restarting Darkwallet funding?
Hola folks,

in the interest of great justice, I have put together a couple of
links here below which document the Darkwallet funding thing (and
ideas relating to donations) based on some prior conversations, which
may help get this party (re)started (if it isn't already).

Big Thread on Darkwallet Funding etc (begins at):
(The above link will be helpful in tracing what funding may already be
available to use and who has been involved in those discussions.)
Complete thread tree sorted by date:

Bitcointalk thread on some related issues - stealth, darkwallet, some
people eager to donate, etc...
see in particular that discussion from

Donation concept discussion:

Donation concept page referred to in above discussion: http://abis.io

Cody R Wilson:
> Guys,
> I'm now willing to commit to do this. Jaromil, let's talk.
> crw On Sep 5, 2015 4:44 AM, "Jaromil" <jaromil@???> wrote:
>> On 31 August 2015 22:58:44 CEST, Tim Patrick
>> <judoman589@???> wrote:
>>> Last I heard Pablo is still somewhere in Spain. Instead of
>>> trying to get into contact with Pablo, we could always try and
>>> bring new devs on board to work on DW.
>> ideally a knowledge transfer session should be organized: find
>> the devs willing to be involved (at least one senior) organize a
>> workshop of a week to go over the code and do some pair
>> programming
>> I will try to convince Caedes about doing this. We have opened a
>> dyne.org office in Amsterdam since a month now, space is
>> available to organize a concentrated session at low expense in a
>> pleasant environment, still without too many distractions
>> If he wants, its just a small fundraise and some simple
>> logistics Cody you are more than welcome too. Lets talk
>> ciao
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>> list: http://unsystem.net
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> _______________________________________________ unSYSTEM mailing
> list: http://unsystem.net
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