:: Re: [DNG] netman: support for wlan1…
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Autor: Edward Bartolo
Data: 2015-10-12 13:45 -000
Dla: aitor_czr
CC: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] netman: support for wlan1, wlan2, ... and eth1, , eth2, .... and new systemd's naming scheme
Hi Aitor,

fsmithred confirmed that adding:

iface wlan1 inet dhcp

to /etc/network/interfaces was what was causing disconnecting to fail.
This means, all system network devices to be used have to be defined
in /etc/network/interfaces as showm or anything that allows ifup and
ifdown to function.

Before actually building the packages for Devuan, try to ONLY add the
backend executable to:


All the other compiler generated files are unnecessary as we are only
invoking the backend. The same applies for any files generated by the
compiler while building the frontend by Lazarus. So, to conclude, the
only required executables are


We also have an /etc/netman.conf text file.


On 12/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> Hi Aitor,
> It seems fsmithred bug is not a bug after all. I am waiting for his
> reply as to whether configuring /etc/network/interfaces to contain the
> configuration line:
> iface wlan1 inet dhcp
> will solve his problem. I am convinced it should work, but let us be
> prudent and wait.
> Edward
> On 12/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>> Hi Aitor,
>> fsmithred found a serious bug that prevents wlan1 from disconnecting.
>> I will debug that, and then, upload again the necessary changes.
>> Edward.
>> On 12/10/2015, aitor_czr <aitor_czr@???> wrote:
>>> Good!
>>> I will update the packages of netman. I'm still generating the
>>> Packages*.gz and the Contents*.gz of my repository. Adding Contents*.gz
>>> slows the proccess. It takes so long...
>>> ...Patience...
>>> Aitor.
>>> On 12/10/15 14:00, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> The changes have been uploaded. The backend should now support other
>>>> devices besides wlan0 and eth0.
>>>> Edward