Autor: fsmithred Data: 2015-10-12 10:02 -000 Para: Edward Bartolo, dng, tilt! Assunto: Re: [DNG] Git pushed latest changes to backend and netman GUI.
It's working, mostly. I can switch the default interface between wlan0 and
wlan1 through the gui, and it connects correctly, but disconnect only
works with wlan0. With wlan1, it says it's disconnecting, but it doesn't
On 10/11/2015 05:44 PM, Edward Bartolo wrote: > Hi,
> I have just git pushed my latest changes to netman GUI and the backend
> which now should support wlanN and eth0...eth3 (till now).
> This was a complex modification, so undiscovered bugs may still be
> lurking. Please, give your feedback, especially positive, and
> suggestions for improvement. At the moment, I am using the latest
> version and it seems to work, but I do NOT use wlanN or ethN with N >
> 0. I tested the backend and frontend momentarily by modifying udev
> .rules to rename wlan0 to wlan1, and it worked, at least in my case.
> Hopefully, it works also for all of you.
> Edward