:: Re: [DNG] live-build experiment wor…
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Skribent: Jaromil
Dato: 2015-10-08 09:27 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] live-build experiment worked!

dear Frits,

On Tue, 06 Oct 2015, Godefridus Daalmans wrote:

> I just wanted to mention that I got an experimental Devuan jessie
> live-build to work with LXDE and lightdm and iceweasel.

big up and congratulations! sounds like we have this part of the puzzle
also covered now. Lets have the upcoming live version of Devuan beta
then mastered by you, then later we can think of streamlining the build
so that is made nightly on the servers just like the qcow or vagrant
boxes are now.

> And amprolla seems to have lost the Contents-amd64.gz file so I had
> to make one.

Nextime needs just a bit more time, he is in the middle of a rather big
distance relocation / house moving in the southern emisphere. I'm
confident he'll be back to look at these and other things next week.
