:: Re: [DNG] Purpose of an OS: was net…
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Autor: Renaud OLGIATI
Data: 2015-10-05 09:42 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] Purpose of an OS: was network device naming
On Mon, 05 Oct 2015 12:28:44 +0200
Didier Kryn <kryn@???> wrote:

>      As was remarked already, disks are no longer a problem since 
> partitions are uniquely identified, so that nobody cares of a random 
> device name. 

Some do, when they issue a df command, and the result is a mess of unidentifiable UUIDs.

Which is why, after an install, one of the first things I do is to restore /etc/fstab to an understandable format, ridding it of all the UUID crap.

And edit etc/default/grub uncommenting the line
then running # update-grub2

So that my / partition gets mounted as /dev/sda1


                   There is no such thing as an ugly woman;
                   there are only the ones who do not know
                      how to make themselves attractive.
                                          -- Christian Dior

                   -- http://www.olgiati-in-paraguay.org --