著者: Hendrik Boom 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] Purpose of an OS: was network device naming (was: What
can I do after netman?)
On Sun, Oct 04, 2015 at 04:57:15PM +0100, Simon Hobson wrote: > karl@??? wrote:
> >> This is why you use UUID= or LABEL= in /etc/fstab.
> +1 for that. I use LABEL=, but it's annoying that Debian's grub-install doesn't handle that (it only has options for device name or UUID).
> > Let's face it, thoose other names of the device is just symlinks
> Does that really matter ?
> If someone is needing to work at the device level, they they should know how to determine the device name. But from the "system doesn't randomly break itself" POV it's one way to deal with the issue.
> > ... after all, fstab and /dev/-names are just
> > for the user space. The kernel mostly only cares about the maj/min
> > numbers, or am I wrong?
> That's the case all along. The question is how to map those node IDs to something human readable.
I seem to remember that a few years ago they started assigning some of
the minor number dynamically.