:: Re: [DNG] mailing list software
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Autor: Teodoro Santoni
Fecha: 2015-10-02 19:32 -000
A: JeremyBekka C
Cc: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] mailing list software
2015-10-02 18:30 GMT+02:00, JeremyBekka C <jrchristophel@???>:
> I have been using my gmail account to read this mailing list but I would
> like to move over to a program specifically designed for mailing lists. I
> found mailman and it looks like it would work well. Just wondering if I
> could get some suggestions about would program would be best to use with
> this and other mailing lists.
> Thanks

Hi, they told you already that mailman won't do, so I'll pass to
suggesting you the aforementioned Claws, or any text-based mail
client, like mutt or cone.
In my experience, any kind of 2 or 3-pane email client (web or native)
isn't unconfortable for reading newsletters or mailing lists. On gmail
you can improve a bit things filtering everything from a mailing list
into a separate label, but then you discover procmail or fdm + mutt or
claws and laugh at gmail...
And things, imho, can be further tinkered (for example, you'll forget
the 90% of anything you discuss or lurk on internet, at the same time
on maildir and mbox all those past posts slow a lot the loading of
your client...)