:: Re: [DNG] netman: support for wlan1…
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Auteur: Edward Bartolo
Date: 2015-10-01 16:08 -000
À: tilt!, dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] netman: support for wlan1, wlan2, ... and eth1, eth2, .... and new systemd's naming scheme
This is a screenshot of the changes in the main window GUI to allow
for network interfaces other than wlan0 and eth0. The displayed
strings wlan0 and eth0 will be changed into wireless and ethernet



On 01/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> Hi Tilman,
> The backend will connect as I described.
> Yes, it will be an operation of the backend, but not new: connect and
> disconnect will work the 'new' way.
> This operation will be triggered by passing the network device name
> string to backend in addition to the usual parameters. To avoid
> malicious users from passing crafted strings to popen or execl, the
> same encoding algorithm that is used for essid encoding will be used.
> Edward
> On 01/10/2015, tilt! <tilt@???> wrote:
>> Hi Edward,
>> i assume you want the backend to do this?
>> Will this be a new operation of the backend?
>> If yes, what will trigger this operation?
>> Kind regards,
>> Tilman
>> Am 01.10.2015 um 08:41 schrieb Edward Bartolo:
>>> Hi All,
>>> This is the bewitched command that I need to do the above in a split
>>> second with the least of coding:
>>> sed 's/wlan0/new_device/g' /etc/network/wifi/interfaces_file >
>>> /run/netman/tmp_int_file
>>> new_device is the replacement network device and tmp_int_file is the
>>> new interfaces file that uses new_device
>>> To connect the backend would then use:
>>> ifup -i /run/netman/tmp_int_file new_device
>>> Edward
>>> On 01/10/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I devised a simple algorithm that can survive any new device naming
>>>> scheme: systemd & co can think of any naming convention they dream of,
>>>> the new algorithm will survive that. It also allows me to use the same
>>>> configuration files as they are without modification. wlan0 and eth0
>>>> will be simply placeholders for network device names. This means,
>>>> coding can be greatly simplified.
>>>> The algorithm:
>>>> i) copy the essid/eth0 interfaces file to a temporary file system like
>>>> /run/netman. During the copy procedure, replace wlan0/eth0 with the
>>>> respective network device name.
>>>> ii) run the connect/disconnect function using the newly created file
>>>> in the temporary file system and using the new network device name
>>>> iii) delete the newly created file in the temporary file system
>>>> Simply, easy and extremely flexible.
>>>> Tilt and fsmithred, you will soon be able to connect to whatever
>>>> device you like.
>>>> Edward
>>>> On 01/10/2015, Hendrik Boom <hendrik@???> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 09:09:52PM +0200, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> My next coding task is to implement support for other network devices
>>>>>> besides eth0 and wlan0.
>>>>>> Since supporting other network devices essentially is including the
>>>>>> new device names in the essid interfaces file, I am thinking of
>>>>>> whether it is possible to hook the system file reader function to
>>>>>> replace part of the read file so that I wouldn't need to change
>>>>>> anything in the files themselves. The reason is it shouldn't matter
>>>>>> which wifi or wired connection one uses to connect a network.
>>>>> They may operate at different speeds.
>>>>> They may connect to different networks.
>>>>> -- hendrik
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