:: Re: [DNG] netman: support for wlan1…
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Skribent: Edward Bartolo
Dato: 2015-09-30 20:38 -000
Til: dng, Rainer Weikusat
Emne: Re: [DNG] netman: support for wlan1, wlan2, ... and eth1, eth2, .... and new systemd's naming scheme
I found I can write to /run which is a memory filesystem (tmpfs). I
will use it to first swap the default network interface referenced in
an essid file and then use it to connect or disconnect.

Problem looks to be solved.


On 30/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Besides using a hook I can use copy the essid/interfaces file being
> used to another temporary location, substituting the default network
> interface reference in the file with the network device being used to
> connect or disconnect. However, this writes to disk every time ifup
> and ifdown is used. Preferably, a memory resident file system is used.
> If I can use a memory file system, I will be able to go ahead with
> little changes.
> On 30/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> My next coding task is to implement support for other network devices
>> besides eth0 and wlan0.
>> Since supporting other network devices essentially is including the
>> new device names in the essid interfaces file, I am thinking of
>> whether it is possible to hook the system file reader function to
>> replace part of the read file so that I wouldn't need to change
>> anything in the files themselves. The reason is it shouldn't matter
>> which wifi or wired connection one uses to connect a network.
>> Is it possible? When I programmed for windows I learnt about the great
>> potential of hooks.
>> Such a hook would intercept ifup and ifdown reading the essid files to
>> replace the default device name by what the user chooses.
>> Edward
>> On 28/09/2015, arnt@??? <arnt@???> wrote:
>>> No awk necessary; the same system calls that /sbin/ip uses are
>>> available for Netman. And strace even reveals their names and the
>>> appropriate arguments.
>>> Arnt
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