:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Amir $nd Co., MArgus…
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Szerző: Margus w. Meigo
Dátum: 2015-09-27 20:58 -000
Címzett: System undo crew, Ray@paxful.com
Tárgy: Re: [unSYSTEM] Amir $nd Co., MArgus here - idea for BTC related project
actually am not sure what "Sela" means, but when Bible and Jews use it, it
must be good

one almoust heaviwheyght muslim boxer here asks what is the best way for
carding or rather how to make just 5 mil per kärss (face) and live quietly
and nicelly, but you know he is relgious, so what is the most safest way
for relgious people rob and spend the money

U guys still in old town and how long, for longest of you and who, how ?

I can give the girl number who lives in estonia and knows litte my
whereabouts sometimes, besides that She is a witch and was attacking me
with knife few weeks ago, She is safe
(also to call out)
(if She allows)
[image: Preili Kata]

(Estonian life)


On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Margus w. Meigo <Margus.Meigo@???>

> Roger that,
> True talk
> Just lets not worry, and imagine, that "private list" can and will be ever
> exciting (well, i am believer, in my mind at least.)
> But besides that, it is so true, that what is not need to be public there
> is no reason to make efforts to make things more available what is not
> needed,
> in most cases, if we work right way, nearly all we do is benefit of
> recording, or perhaps all (aka. if all is recorded, our life bath would not
> be changed, this is the way of the Code, to use for Life)
> In code general, if all would be known what you do underneath, that people
> end point of using and liking would in the end be rather better
> (well, if we just find a way, how to, explain (and for what software is
> needed, to use) )
> Sela
> Armastusega,
> Margus
> On Sun, Sep 27, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
>> thanks for mentioning that psy
>> On Sun, 27 Sep 2015, psy wrote:
>> >    Archive of this mailing list is public:

>> >
>> >    [1]https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/list/unsystem.en.html

>> >
>> >    Your are providing so much information and metadata about yourself
>> and
>> >    others.

>> its a bit of a PITA, but if someone requires we can still take off mails
>> from the web archive, which btw gets also indexed by search engines
>> if we want a private mailinglist that's surely possible, just please
>> lets use public media consciously.... if you invite people here always
>> mention the mailinglist is public and archived and indexed!!
>> ciao
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