Autor: Go Linux Data: 2015-09-27 16:24 -000 Para: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG] Anyone wanting to create a set of icons for netman?
On Sun, 9/27/15, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
Subject: Anyone wanting to create a set of icons for netman?
To: "dng" <dng@???>, "Go Linux" <golinux@???>
Date: Sunday, September 27, 2015, 10:54 AM >
> Hi All,
> Now that netman has been systray enabled, I need someone
> with some
> artistic ability to create a set of three icons for netman.
> These will be used as follows:
> a) icon for connected state
> b) icon for disconnected state
> c) icon for attempting to connect state
> Edward
Yes, I've seen this request before. My back is still quite painful to sit and do most anything. At least I can now manage to cook - trying to regain the weight I lost when I couldn't. (Whoopee . . . now up to 105 lbs. Must have gotten way under 100 those first months.) At least I can do a few necessary things around the house and drive to buy groceries. House hasn't been cleaned in 5 months - vacuuming is out of the question for now. I think you get the picture. I've been waiting for weeks to have a good enough back day to be able to install alpha2. So sorry . . . no icons will be coming from this direction. Please don't take my lack of participation personally . . . :) I appreciate your Netman contribution (even though I have no need for it - always wired) and look forward to seeing your next project(s)!