:: Re: [DNG] What can I do after netma…
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Autor: fsmithred
Datum: 2015-09-26 12:05 -000
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] What can I do after netman?

./ps_mem.py |grep netman
  8.5 MiB +   1.4 MiB =   9.9 MiB    netman

./ps_mem.py |grep wicd
  6.7 MiB +   1.2 MiB =   7.9 MiB    wicd-monitor
  8.4 MiB + 858.5 KiB =   9.2 MiB    wicd
 14.6 MiB +   2.1 MiB =  16.8 MiB    wicd-client

And the 9.9 used by netman is recovered by closing the program after you
connect. I know people who are running with only 256MB RAM, and they will
be happy with this.


On 09/26/2015 07:25 AM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
> This is a screen shot with the Edit dialog shown.
> http://postimg.org/image/9obv7fnlp/
> On 26/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I was asked for the current netman's frontend GUI screenshot. Here it is:
>> http://s13.postimg.org/lirdshy07/2015_09_26_124924_1600x900_scrot.png
>> I liked it for its simplicity... but I will have to adapt to what
>> potential users want.
>> Edward
>> On 26/09/2015, info at smallinnovations.nl <info@???>
>> wrote:
>>> Edward,
>>> Although i will stay with wicd i am glad that with netman i do have a
>>> choice.
>>> And most important of all you actually did something whereas others
>>> still are sitting on their hands.
>>> So if someone friendly point out some improvements make us of it.
>>> And if some dick is just criticizing without any real suggestion for
>>> improvement just ignore him.
>>> Just my 0,02
>>>> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2015 08:04:15 +0200
>>>> From: Edward Bartolo<edbarx@???>
>>>> To: dng<dng@???>
>>>> Subject: Re: [DNG] What can I do after netman?
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> As many probably remember, when I asked to be allowed to create a
>>>> network manager, I made it clear that I have NO FORMAL TRAINING IN
>>>> PROGRAMMING. What I know, has been learnt by buying expensive books
>>>> from specialised booksellers and studying on my own.
>>>> Now regarding the bad marks I am getting (2/10?) for writing a project
>>>> that has been working since its inception.... although I have been
>>>> using it for a month now without issues. Furthermore, I don't want to
>>>> use shell scripts or any interpreters: those who want to use them can
>>>> easily, or I dare say not so easily, as coding requires commitment,
>>>> especially, if it is done for free as in my case, opt to code a
>>>> network manager in THEIR TIME.
>>>> Intellectual myopia or better, the urge to troll and discourage me to
>>>> continue with this project, is preventing those who criticise it
>>>> negatively, not to see the ultimate aim of the project, which is to
>>>> avoid using ifup, ifdown and any interfaces files. However, DEVUAN was
>>>> in an urgent need of a network manager, and I offered my help, and
>>>> indeed, humbly presented a NOT SO PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION that works.
>>>> Yes, it is not shiny, and it does not create a systray icon from where
>>>> it can be invoked, but it works and it is stable.
>>>> >From the remarks I am getting, apart from some genuine Devuan DDs, I
>>>> think, I have got a FAIL in this project, which is to be evaluated
>>>> against the context of a coder who has had NO FORMAL TRAINING IN
>>>> Please, also note, being arrogant and disrespectful, does not persuade
>>>> anyone to do what such an attacker wants. You have your time and a
>>>> brain, use them to create your own network manager according to what
>>>> you deem best.
>>>> I dedicated hours upon hours of my free time, often resulting in a
>>>> headache to complete the project within reasonable time. However, I go
>>>> a beating and a severe bashing instead of being guided to do better
>>>> the next time.
>>>> Edward
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