Autor: Rainer Weikusat Data: 2015-09-24 19:48 -000 Dla: dng Temat: Re: [DNG] [announce] s6-rc,
a s6-based service manager for Unix systems
Steve Litt <slitt@???> writes: > On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 14:31:40 +0100
> Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> wrote:
>> Laurent Bercot <ska-devel@???> writes:
>> [...]
>> > It manages dependencies between services, no matter whether they are
>> > oneshots or longruns; it can intertwine oneshot starts and longrun
>> > starts, or oneshot stops and longrun stops. When changing the
>> > machine state, it always ensures the consistency of the dependency
>> > graph.
>> I'd still very much like to see an actual example which really needs
>> these depenencies which isn't either bogus or a workaround for a bug
>> in the software being managed.
> I can't see why any init/processmanager would *not* allow intermixing.
I was asking about (complex) service dependencies because I haven't
really encountered something like this so far, only declared
dependencies because "we could declare them", eg, the LDAP/sendmail case
on Solaris I mentioned or the fact that apache on the box I'm presently
using 'depends' on bind and syslog.