:: Re: [DNG] [announce] s6-rc, a s6-b…
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Skribent: KatolaZ
Dato: 2015-09-24 13:22 -000
Til: Laurent Bercot
CC: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] [announce] s6-rc, a s6-based service manager for Unix systems
On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 05:04:51PM +0200, Laurent Bercot wrote:


> >That's slightly different because it's obviously not possible to start a
> >program stored in a file (which needs various other files to start)
> >before accessing any of these files is possible (it's still subject to
> >changes at runtime, though). But it's not necessary to declare a
> >dependency on "the filesystem" in a dozen different files and then run
> >some program in order to work out that "The filesystem namespace must be
> >constructed prior to using it!"
> And still, "the filesystem namespace must be constructed prior to using it".
> No matter how you call it, that's a dependency, and that's what I'm talking
> about. Now, you're free to start daemons logging stuff to /var/log/foo
> before mounting /var/log, but the reasonable people among us prefer not to
> do it. ;)

Guys, I believe there is no need to fight on this :) I really
appreciate the work done by Laurent on this front, even if I tend to
agree with those who can't see the need for a process supervision
system and for dependency-based boots. I will probably never end up
using s6-rc, but I am happy that such kind of projects exist, if there
are users/admins willing to use them.

After all, one of the strongest criticism to systemd is that, for the
sake of introducing a "proper" process supervision system, it has
quickly swallowed most of the low-level user-space functionalities. It
seems to me that s6-rc promises to focus only on process supervision
and to do so in a proper KISS manner, which I personally see as a very
nice thing.

We have been told million times that the world is not either black or
white. I tend to believe the opposite indeed (i.e., that there is
*just* and *only* either black or white, in most of the cases), but I
think it is fundamental for those on the black side to at least
acknowledge the existence of those on the other side (and vice-versa),
and then just agree to disagree ;) [*]



[*] Just to clarify that the black-vs-white does not have any
particular connotaion, except for being a usual way of denoting
dicotomic relationships. I could have used pink-vs-yellow, or
purple-vs-green, or anything else instead :)

[ Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ --- GLUG Catania -- Freaknet Medialab ]
[ me [at] katolaz.homeunix.net -- http://katolaz.homeunix.net -- ]
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