:: Re: [DNG] Messages from the future …
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Autor: Edward Bartolo
Data: 2015-09-22 18:10 -000
Dla: aitor_czr
CC: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] Messages from the future (Was: Re: [DN Offlist G], netman GIT project)
Remove the motherboard's battery for a few minutes to allow the
circuitry to reset itself. If you have a voltmeter, check whether the
battery's voltage is still within acceptable limits: for a 3V battery,
2V is not acceptable. If you can, connect a low resistance across the
battery or temporarily short circuit it before measuring its voltage.
Worn out batteries take more time to recover from high current surges.


On 22/09/2015, aitor_czr <aitor_czr@???> wrote:
> Yes,
> # ntpdate -u hora.roa.es
> But the hour changes itself frecuently. Sometimes i can't access to the
> clock of the BIOS. In this sorts of cases 'date' works, but not 'hwclock'.
> Patience :)
> Aitor.
> El 22/09/15 21:02, Didier Kryn <kryn@???> escribió:
>> No ntp server around?
>>       Didier

>> Le 22/09/2015 14:05, aitor_czr a écrit :
>>> >Sorry, my clock is changing again with different hard disks and
>>> >different operating systems.
>>> >
>>> >... I saw it timestamping "debian/changelog" in netman-package...
>>> >
>>> >I can't be using hwclock every few minutes. I will not send more posts
>>> >from this computer until discover the reason.
>>> >
>>> >Sorry again,
>>> >
>>> >Aitor.
>>> >
>>> >El 17/09/15 a las 19:51, Peter Olson escribió:
>>>>> >>>On February 24, 2032 at 3:32 PM aitor_czr<aitor_czr@???>
>>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>> >>Your last few messages have had Date: lines far in the future.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Check your clock!
>>>> >>
>>>> >>Peter Olson