:: Re: [DNG] [DN Offlist G] netman GIT…
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Skribent: Edward Bartolo
Dato: 2015-09-17 08:39 -000
Til: aitor_czr
CC: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] [DN Offlist G] netman GIT project
Hi Aitor and Tilt,

I think, Tilt has a point, if you agree, I can remove the use of an
/etc config file.


On 17/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> Hi Aitor,
> Now, you should be able to place backend wherever you want and to name
> it what you like but you have to use a config file under /etc.
> New file name:
> /etc/netman.conf
> Contents of /etc/netman.conf
> backend=/usr/lib/netman/bin/backend
> Edward
> On 17/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>> Hi Aitor,
>> I am understanding you are giving me the go-ahead to let netman use an
>> /etc/netman.conf file. In this case, the location of the backend would
>> only be dictated by the path specified in the /etc/netman.conf file.
>> Changes implemented to use an /etc/netman.conf file.
>> Edward
>> On 24/02/2032, aitor_czr <aitor_czr@???> wrote:
>>> Ok, thanks.
>>> On 17/09/15 10:21, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>>> Hi Aitor,
>>>> I think avoiding to use two links for the backend would help to keep
>>>> the project as simple as possible. Also using the version as a
>>>> directory would indicate that more than one concurrent version of
>>>> netman would be installed.
>>>> The frontend, netman, expects to find the backend named as backend. If
>>>> this is to be changed, I will need to modify the frontend. We can also
>>>> opt to use an /etc settings file to enable use use whatever location
>>>> and name for the backend.
>>>> So, an /etc conf file (/etc/netman.conf) would look like this:
>>>> backend=/usr/lib/netman/0.1.0/netman-backend
>>>> In case you instruct me to use a configuration file for the frontend,
>>>> please inform me, to set me going. I can do that in an hour.
>>>> Edward