:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Jeremy Corbyn wins L…
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Lähettäjä: Cody R Wilson
Vastaanottaja: System undo crew
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour campaign, obliterates other candidates
Iowa is only a key contest in political journalism. It's Dem voters are 95%
white liberal. Bill Bradley and Gary Hart won. Howard Dean won in 2004. But
then that's it. They had none of the non-white liberal vote.

Black voters are 25% of the national Democratic base. HRC leads sanders
65-10 in August with non-white democrat voters nationally. Sanders will win
with a bunch of middle class white liberals in the North, with whom he has
a ridiculous affinity, then the contests will turn South and he will be
gutted. Sanders 2016 is not Obama 2008. He's far behind where Obama was in
fundraising and non-white voter support at this point.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Jonathan Valiente <tinkeringengr@???
> wrote:

> My bad, I wasn't looking at the national polls. I was referring to the
> polls in New Hampshire and Iowa where he went from pretty much 0% to
> leading Hilary in the double digits. These are key states that heavily
> influence the DNC nominee. A similar phenomena occurred in 2008 with Obama
> when everyone assumed Hilary to win until she lost I think its naive to
> discount sanders because he doesn't have the name recognition of Hilary. I
> doubt Hilary will be able to hold any lead whatsoever after the first
> debates. Not to mention she isn't going to win with the 'FBI as her running
> mate'.
> As for Bernie's positions, I hardly think dismantling the top 6 financial
> institutions that are 'too big to fail' to be inline with the DNC. His
> other positions such as overturning Citizens United and cutting defense
> spending are equally useful. I'll take the socialization of healthcare and
> education as well. I am really interested in Bernie's authenticity and
> integrity foremost. He isn't taking donations from billionaires, so he
> doesn't owe anyone any political favors. He is an advocate for the people
> with a rational mind. He certainly isn't politics as usual.
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 8:32 AM, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 9:10 AM, Linards Berzins <
>> linardsberzins@???> wrote:
>>> hmmm...
>>> Sanders seems to be surging in polls not losing:
>>> https://www.google.com/search?q=sanders+loosing+in+national+polls&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=sanders+national+polls
>>> Any insight?
>> Yes check the national aggregate of polls here at RCP:
>> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/2016_democratic_presidential_nomination-3824.html
>> As of 9/13 her national average is +21.4 over Sanders. Remember these are
>> polls that now all *include* Biden. Say Biden doesn't run, Clinton is back
>> to +35. It's not even close. Now Sanders has momentum in Iowa and New
>> Hampshire especially, but there are plenty of historical examples of the
>> candidate who wins Iowa becoming irrelevant by the time the primaries move
>> South.
>>> On 16 September 2015 at 15:01, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I take Marx for a fetishist who left social theory in a productivist
>>>> rut. Corbyn's shadow chancellor reportedly wants to nationalize the English
>>>> banks, railways and utilities. So pretty anarchist.
>>>> Re: Sanders in the US, his positions are 95% percent standard DNC
>>>> positions. He is losing in every national poll by 20 points, and without
>>>> the prospect of Biden losing by 30 points to HRC.
>>>> Corbyn's first PMQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-0KkGdPIz4
>>>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 3:53 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
>>>>> On 12 September 2015 21:00:42 CEST, Cody R Wilson <
>>>>> codywilson@???> wrote:
>>>>> >Yeah full take security state in Albion until I'm an old man.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Corbyn is an un-reconstructed, Old World Marxist. Of course the
>>>>> >enfeebled
>>>>> >English youth support him.
>>>>> Corbyn is not a vetero-marxist at all. The fact that Marx produced the
>>>>> only viable
>>>>> political-economy framework for analisys in the past 200 years does
>>>>> not makes
>>>>> it easy to separate ideologists from political scientists, indeed.
>>>>> Just take Marx as
>>>>> a champion for the sort of materialist rationalism he comes from, for
>>>>> a moment.
>>>>> His analisys is damn right and today it applies to left and right
>>>>> political
>>>>> movements without distinction, because it has to do with people's life
>>>>> much more
>>>>> than what the elite (arguably, most often the left, hard incongruence)
>>>>> pretends it to be.
>>>>> Said that, Corbyn is first of all an activist and we haven't seen
>>>>> those since a long
>>>>> time around politics. As of political definitions, I recognize in him
>>>>> an anarcho-socialist,
>>>>> which personally I consider the step into adulthood for any anarchist
>>>>> around, just like
>>>>> an "ontogenesis resuming the philogenesis": every child grows into an
>>>>> adult person by
>>>>> progressing out of individualism into the pains and joys of perceiving
>>>>> others
>>>>> (gosh this could be a sense8 line...)
>>>>> ciao
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>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Cody R. Wilson
>>>> codywilson@???
>>>> The University of Texas School of Law
>>>> Class of 2014
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>> --
>> Sincerely,
>> Cody R. Wilson
>> codywilson@???
>> The University of Texas School of Law
>> Class of 2014
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Cody R. Wilson

The University of Texas School of Law
Class of 2014