Skribent: Jaromil Dato: 2015-09-15 08:24 -000 Til: dng Emne: Re: [DNG] upgrade wheezy to devuan jessie instead of ceres
dear Hendrik,
On 15 September 2015 03:00:22 CEST, Hendrik Boom <hendrik@???> wrote:
>> Come on Hendrik, it's time to jump in the hole ;)
>I'm already using the alpha 2 versin of Devuan Jessie on my laptop,
>done by a straightforward and mostly uneventful install.
>The server is another matter. I'm going to be upgrading it from
>straight from Debian wheezy to Devuan Jessie. Upgrades are often
>Im guessing that it's time to try the upgrade, and report back here.
>I'll get onto it when I have the time, and report back here, unless I
>hear advice to the contrary.
>I've been waiting for this day for a log time.
I've dared that myself for a production (phisically colocated) server
at a few weeks ago, running on a sw raid/lvm configuration
it all went well. The moment of the reboot was a big suspence indeed.
I'm very happy with it now, resources are incredibly low on usage and
even dbus is no more. I had to remove all systemd stuff at last
which is sort of a pleasant liberating act after the suspence :-)