:: Re: [DNG] [DN Offlist G] netman GIT…
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Szerző: Edward Bartolo
Címzett: aitor_czr
CC: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] [DN Offlist G] netman GIT project
Hi Aitor,

I discovered that disconnecting immediately calls auto-connect
restoring the connection. I will 'git push' the necessary changes to
netman after making sure this behaviour is rectified. However, this
afternoon I am too busy to continue working on the computer. I will
make myself available as soon as I can.

Thanks for helping in the project.


On 14/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> Hi Aitor,
> Don't forget that we also need to create a subdirectory, 'wifi', in
> /etc/network. The full path to the new directory will be:
> /etc/network/wifi
> Together with the above, /etc/network/interfaces should have this line
> added if not already included.
> iface wlan0 inet dhcp
> Without it ifdown fails, unless someone more versed in networking
> gives an equally simple alternative.
> Thanks,
> Edward.
> On 14/09/2015, aitor_czr <aitor_czr@???> wrote:
>> Ok :-)
>> On 14/09/15 12:23, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>> Hi Aitor,
>>> I pushed the necessary changes in netman. The changes are only in
>>> backend.pas to account for the new placement of backend.
>>> Please, note that the two executables will be placed according to
>>> Tilt's suggestion so that we comply with where executables should be
>>> placed.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Edward.