:: Re: [Bricolabs] MAD
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Συντάκτης: Paula Vélez
Ημερομηνία: 2015-09-12 12:44 -000
Προς: Bricolabs
Παλιά Θέματα: Re: [Bricolabs] MAD
Αντικείμενο: Re: [Bricolabs] MAD
Hey Kruno,

Checking again this post, I was wondering if the geodesic structure you did
is still up somewhere , if it still works, and how did you do the
covering... if it is not a ephimeral structure.

I have a friend building one but with the idea of making it really
waterproof and by its way also termical to be able to sleep, live, have a
working space inside.

If someone on this list have some documentation for geodesic structures
that have being made and tested with not too much high-expensive-technical
materials, we will be happy to check it.


Le 7 sept. 2013 19:59, "Kruno Jost" <udrugauke@???> a écrit :

> Hi!
> Just received link to Peru Eco Truly Park
> http://www.ekokuce.com/arhitektura/primeri/samoodrzivo-eko-selo-na-obali-pacifika#.UiXiIJRaiVx.facebook
> LP
> Kruno
> Hello,
> The link sent by Suzon remind me that maybe I haven't share this link on
> Brico-list.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/8972305@N06/
> http://organizmo.org/
> There are good friends in Colombia that experiment with bioconstruction
> technics. They do international workshops inviting people that had a lot of
> experience on that.
> I was in a workshop with Gernot Minke, a german guy who worked for many
> years in an incredible deparment of experimental architecture with mod,
> soil... in Collogne.
> http://www.gernotminke.de/
> This friends in Tabio, near Bogotá, Colombia, had made a nice workshop
> with a community in the caribean region. This village has lot's of problems
> with the accumulation of trash and garbage all over. So they put in
> practice recycle and upcycling techniques to build this playground and
> meeting place for the community.
> http://sacorecicla.wordpress.com/
> Kind regards,
> Paula
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