:: Re: [DNG] Debugging netman auto-con…
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Autor: Edward Bartolo
Fecha: 2015-09-11 19:12 -000
A: tilt!
Cc: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Debugging netman auto-connect.
Hi all,

auto-conn successfully connected to my wifi notwithstanding I had more
than one "interfaces" file installed for the wifis belonging to two
sisters. So, it had to decide which file to use from three "essid"

Internally, it sorts the available wifi signals according to strength
starting from the strongest source. This function was tested
successfully. Nest time, I will do the testing at my sister's home to
actually test the pudding in the eating, and I have a feeling, it will
taste wonderful.

GLib dependency avoided successfully.


On 11/09/2015, tilt! <tilt@???> wrote:
> Perfect - avoids the GLIB dependency, too :)
> GLIB is a bloated beast anyway, comes with an XML parser, an own
> threading system, i bet somewhere in there is a fully featured telnet
> client and a mail program, too.
> Thank you Rainer for extreme (C) programming. ;-)
> Regards,
> T.
> On 09/11/2015 04:44 PM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>> I will try the solution from Rainer as it seems to do the least of
>> disruption to my original code.
>> Thanks to you all,
>> Edward
>> On 11/09/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>>> As suggested by tilt, I switched to use GSList but I need to use it
>>> for two distinct cases:
>>> a) to manage a list of strings
>>> b) to manage a list of structures of this construct:
>>> typedef struct {
>>>     double quality;
>>>     char name[MAX_ESSID_LENGTH];
>>> } wifi_quality;

>>> I expect this to be possible as lists may not always be lists of
>>> strings.
>>> In the case it is possible to use GSList to manage lists of custom
>>> structures like the above, which function the type of strdup is used
>>> to allocate memory and prepare a structure so that it would be added
>>> to the list?
>>> I also need to swap two items in the list in a sorting function.
>>> Edward
>>> On 11/09/2015, Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> wrote:
>>>> "tilt!" <tilt@???> writes:
>>>>> On 09/11/2015 10:35 AM, Edward Bartolo wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Since yesterday I have been trying to understand why "char**
>>>>>> essid_list" is working inside getInstalledEssidList(&count,
>>>>>> essid_list) but failing as soon as I try to access essid_list[0]
>>>>>> outside the function.
>>>>>> Both the source and the gdb text output are attached.
>>>>>> Any helpful pointers are appreciated.
>>>>> Having dynamically growing (and shrinking) lists in C is
>>>>> always a problem. That's why the problem has been solved
>>>>> many times. :-)
>>>>> For example, the singly-linked list, GSList, from the GLIB
>>>>> library is pretty popular and could save you some time.
>>>> JFTR: That part of the code is works.
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