Lähettäjä: Jaromil Päiväys: 2015-09-08 08:01 -000 Vastaanottaja: System undo crew Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] Bitcoin Foundation Passive Aggressive shoutout to
On Tue, 08 Sep 2015, veleiro wrote:
> The Foundation joins in on bashing Blockstream with Gavin/Mike, how
> surprising.
I don't read that there, really. I read the Bitfake foundation (BFF,
reads like BFFFHhhhh) trying to catch up after years of community
disengagement and corporate assimilation.
for instance another tweet reads: "A warm shoutout to Greg Maxwell,
who’s worked tirelessly since early days on Bitcoin core dev."
so: they are ultimately aware that other people and other organizations
are really progressing Bitcoin and trying to make friends with them.
Also they are struggling in taming down the fire they have created with
this unilateral move towards BitcoinXT by understating the war behind it
see another tweet: "There’s a healthy & vibrant discussion among Bitcoin
leaders about direction of the code, but it’s not a “war” as some media
have called it."
The latter move, hiding conflict, does nothing good to the community and
tries to leverage the BFF role as a mediator. another tweet says:
"Bitcoin Foundation doesn’t represent Bitcoin. We strive to represent a
variety of stakeholders: devs, engineers, CEOs, miners, VCs, adopters"
Now if the community wants to defend its identity then it needs to put
forward proper arguments and a platform to debate this neutrally, first
of all stating that the BFF is not a neutral entity at all.
In my opinion this is anyway a lost battle by the BFF, which is
ultimately selling vaporware to the industries they are targeting, for
which Bitcoin is much less useful than they advertise. I can argument
more about this or even quote some cryptographers that are better than
me at this. Maybe later.
The millions of research funds being spent right now on Bitcoin will
come back with quite delusive results compared to what is being hoped
and hyped right now for the thing to do.
Bitcoin is being used as an ecstasy pill for a necrotizing party-whore:
today the financial industry doesn't really wants to face the day-after
hangover, perhaps it will just overdose itself (and I can already think
of a couple of funny overdose scenarios eheheh)