Take the case two mirrors, a complete Debian mirror in DEBIAN folder,
and the merged packages in DEVUAN folder, containing both their
corresponding /dists/ and /pool/. The following scripts build the /dist/
and /pool/ from the content of them, giving priority to Devuan. The
script1 calls to the script2:
****** SCRIPT1:
find ./DEBIAN -name "*.dsc" -exec ./script2 {} \;
exit 0
****** SCRIPT2:
### The above lines converts
### in /pool/main/main/l/linux
### The relationship betwen paths and sources is biyective
For each description file *.dsc found in the frist script, the second
script searches in the corresponding path in ./DEVUAN. If it exits,
DEBIAN packages are ignored.
There are some stuffs to add: debian must be changed by devuan in the
path (debian-keyring by devuan-keyring, etc), a black list for debian,
extra packages nonexistent in debian...
Jaromil: >> we haven't yet worked on the mirroring mechanism, but we will
>> once done, there will be a script and it will be easy
>> I guess it will be a sort of amprolla satellite process
>> so that the mirror redirection will be handled by nextime's software