:: Re: [unSYSTEM] We have crypto. Now …
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Autor: Amir Taaki
Data: 2015-09-06 21:04 -000
A: unsystem
Assumpte: Re: [unSYSTEM] We have crypto. Now what? Was: Charged over encryption software
There is plenty meaningful to say. Have you been following what is
happening in Rojava?

What are your views on it?


Click the link under government labelled 'Democratic Confederalism'.

About the guns, can I give another example?

Are you following what's happening in Bitcoin, more specifically:


So you see early in Bitcoin there was a split between
crypto-crypto-anarchists and crypto-anarchists.
The crypto-crypto-anarchists or pseudo-anarchists saw themselves as the
dark knights of Bitcoin, serving the man during the day, learning how
the system works within, to tear it down during the night.
Unfortunately this was a self induced collective delusion to justify the
cognitive dissonance they were living.

They told us to keep our heads low and avoid subversive talk for it
could damage Bitcoin's reputation and scare away big business and banks.
Because we need their money in Bitcoin.

But their was no general vision about the consequence or influence of
this culture on Bitcoin. Bitcoin was the unstoppable whole or the 'honey

Put in other words, they welcomed the co-option of Bitcoin because they
believe The Means Justify The Ends. I don't subscribe to such a belief
because of communist history.

Funny in human history this argument repeats itself, and what manifests
is always a more sinister element (people like Mike Hearn). For anyone
who wants a deeper understanding, read Homage to Catalonia by Orwell
(it's all over the net in every major language) about when he went to
fight in the Spanish civil war. It started as a worker's revolution with
the worker's militias running the area under an anarchist trade-unionist
government, but the communists (supported by Stalin who wanted to
protect England and France's interests to keep them friendly to the
USSR) sided with the social democrats saying first the war, then the

Slowly they climbed to power, carving off rival groups under they
managed to take over the police, and invade the cities with their armies
purging their enemies while their armies were on the front fighting the
actual war against the fascists. They also reversed the effects of the
revolution - why? Because they must hold the power. Because they know
what's best, and the means justify the ends.

So this is the argument for 3D printing, a technology which is being
co-opted by Silicon Valley and being deprived of radical uses.

And plastic guns are incredibly subversive. Have you thought about this?

- Anybody can smuggle these disassembled onto planes without getting caught.

- Custom designs can be attached to drones to shoot at people.

- Imagine handing 100 of these out at a riot.

This is only a few ideas off the top of my head. I really have no desire
to let this knowledge though flow into the wider domain. But yeah...
it's only a matter of time before terrorists start using explosive
drones flown from the middle east.

Here's an Islamic State drone that was recently shot down by Peshmerga:


For anyone that knows about drones, that's a long range model capable of
a few hours flight. Other similar models can be build carrying a few Kg,
and quads can even carry up to 40 Kg. Now with the many refugees going
to Europe, it is a fact that many of them are IS members which will be
establishing cells throughout Europe.

Here's a good text to read by Murray Bookchin, on whose ideas the
revolution in Rojava is based. It describes going from a state system in
steps towards a decentralised society with self governance. Unlike
communism, it doesn't propose temporarily going in one direction to read


Arturo Filastò:
> I apologise in advance if what I talk about may appear to be a little be off topic, but by reading this thread and in particular the words of Jaromil and Amir I believe this is fertile ground in which to express some of my ideas.
> The more time goes by the more disillusioned I become about some aspects of these so called “movements” close to the anarcho-libertarian-crypto-paranoia sub-system.
> What actually worries me much more than all of our communications being intercepted and who we speak to known to people we would like to conceal this from is that once we have The Perfect end-to-end encrypted, decentralised, distributed, privacy preserving communication tool that everybody in the world uses, we actually don’t have anything meaningful to say over it.
> What use is crypto and these tools to us if we don’t have an idea or a plan as to what we should do with it?
> I see this brainwashing being particularly prevalent in the Berlin scene and it makes me sick and that is one of the reasons why some years ago I fled the city promising to never live here again.
> The other aspect is that I sometimes have some serious problems understanding what are the motivations and the ideals underpinning the behaviours of certain people in this realm and have been stung by this in the past. Said differently it doesn’t mean that if two people are interested in doing the same thing, they are both doing it for the same reason. The reason, in my opinion, is actually the most important thing and agree on what to do is just not enough, we should also agree on WHY we do it.
> This lack of vision and common shared objective makes me often doubt if I should continue focussing on what it is I am focussing on and if I should instead move to tackle other more important and relevant problems.
> The times I have stopped a moment to look around and listen to what the earth is telling us I realise that surveillance and technological control is only just a small piece of this puzzle. If we continue in what we are doing, in not too long we will completely fuck ourselves. We have actually already fucked ourselves, the club of Rome warned us of this already in 1972, but nobody listened to their warning that if nothing were to be done there would not be any turning back. We are now too late. We are fucked. All we can do is extend our the lifetime of humanity, but what has been done is the last century is now IRREVERSIBLE.
> Going back to the main topic in question I have a hard time understanding why certain people are doing what they do. To make an example I don’t understand why Cody Wilson is so much into this idea of making guns. What is the vision there? What is the end goal?
> Is it really necessary to fuck up a beautiful technology such as 3d printing to make a political statement? In a way it’s as if somebody were to publish schemes on how to use enzymes to build a bioweapon, hence realising the threat that people proposing more regulation on biohacking are using to justify it.
> Groups in the past have overthrown their own government without the need of 3d printed guns and let’s be frank you are not going to supply an army with plastic guns and expect them to have a chance against the US government. I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy it.
> Again I am sorry if this is a long off-topic rant, but I wanted to get these things off my chest and I hope that somebody here can in some way relate to it. Some of the people I have spoken to about ideas have not given the importance I believe this problem deserves and I believe this is caused by the anarcho-libertarian-crypto-paranoia sect brainwashing that I see going on all around me.
> ~ Arturo
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