:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Charged over encrypt…
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Auteur: Amir Taaki
Date: 2015-09-04 06:54 -000
À: unsystem
Sujet: Re: [unSYSTEM] Charged over encryption software
That's not true. They are definitely not Stalinists.
They are following the ideas of Murray Bookchin.


At least for now the revolution in Rojava is following these ideas but
they are under a lot of pressure from many outside forces.

Caleb James DeLisle:
> It would appear that I don't actually know much what I'm talking about.
> I was just informed that the PKK is not really part of the Anarchist
> revolution in Rojava - they're more like stalinists.
> Another reason why I prefer peaceful solutions, the costs of a mistake
> are less dire.
> On 02/09/15 17:01, Diego Saa wrote:
> A good start would be encrypting by default, like Kraken, the bitcoin
> exchange, which encrypts every e-mail they send to their users.
> Just to help making encryption a habit, this list should have all the
> member's public keys, and we should make it a rule that every message
> sent
> is encrypted. There wouldn't be much point as far as security, but
> it'd be
> good to help turning encryption into something that people normally do.
> We should try at least to make it a habit to pgp sign messages, which
> I'll
> do starting with this e-mail.
> Let's see... how do you do that... Ok, here it is:
> https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x135.html
> Diego
>> 2015-09-02 7:44 GMT-05:00 psy <epsylon@???>:
>>> On 02/09/15 14:36, psy wrote:
>>>> So, they can use SSL or GPG keys, with lenght more than 4096bits, as
>>>> "legal" weapon to jail activists.
>>> https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006052711747
>>>> This is serious worldwide problem and we should re-act.
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encryption_ban_proposal_in_the_United_Kingdom
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