Autor: Jaromil Data: 2015-09-04 06:39 -000 Para: System undo crew Assunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Charged over encryption software
On Wed, 02 Sep 2015, Caleb James DeLisle wrote: > PKK (aka Rojava)
no, PKK and Rojava are two different things:
PKK is an autonomist movement for self-defense of Kurdish people that
despite the harsh persecution of the Turkish fascist state is still
resisting after more than 20 years. They have fought many years to claim
their legitimate land, in the middle of astoundingly corrupt and violent
Rojava is a place that is liberated since very short time, where many
*real* activists will be converging between now and the next years, to
build the basis for an independent and secularized society. Among the
activists are certainly also PKK members who can well understand the
dynamics, share their good experience and well relate with the cause of
a secularized and independent society. If Rojava thrives I doubt that
the PKK will claim it as a Kurdish victory: they are well used to
recognize and honor diversity.
Lets please not use this mailinglist to spread inconsistent FUD and
check our facts, comrades who deserve our support are involved in Rojava
and we should at least try to communicate correctly about it. Please!