:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Charged over encrypt…
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Lähettäjä: psy
Päiväys: 2015-09-02 10:03 -000
Vastaanottaja: unsystem
Kopio: System undo crew
Aihe: Re: [unSYSTEM] Charged over encryption software

On 02/09/15 13:49, Sam wrote:
> I wasn't saying something is wrong with GPG per say. But since you mention
> it: The problem with GPG over email is really just the complication. It is not
> easy enough for a child or granny so not everyone uses it. The protocol is
> great, but needs to be merged into the messaging layer itself to solve the
> problem I mention.
> What I was more taking about is email. Let us agree/work upon building a
> unified p2p messaging standard to replace it. When standardized and started to
> be implemented across p2p systems, it will win out because it is inherently
> better in that it is private when no non p2p can be. It is uncensorable, Etc.
> It can be spam resistant with POW, Etc.
> When the world relies on such a thing for everyday tasks, it will be more
> difficult to take away encryption.

I am totally agree about cotidianity.

But looks, no only thinking on childs using encryption and more on
create a more high previous privacy methods, my question is for example:
What's happen with GPG encryption over mailing lists?.

I mean, all this technologies (email, IRC..) looks good deployed by
stacked on developments on time. Not only on the user friendly way.

Another example is: Why we haven't a community browser (a python one,
for example)?. Iceweasel comes with Debian (free software). And it
starts to have ads.

We are losing soberanity.... etc. etc... And we need to have it to win
the battle of encryption.

> On Wednesday, September 02, 2015 01:41:11 PM Otto Meier wrote:
>> What is faulty with GPG ?
>> On 02.09.2015, at 13:33, Sam <unsystem@???> wrote:
>>> Agreed. We must make many common day things, like basic email, use
>>> encryption software. And I'm not talking about GPG. I'm talking
>>> inherently encrypted p2p messaging.
>>> Sam
>>> On Wednesday, September 02, 2015 01:28:01 PM psy wrote:
>>>> Turkey official tells Al Jazeera charges made after fixer found to have
>>>> encryption software used by ISIL on his laptop....
>>>> http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/09/vice-news-fixer-arrested-encryption
>>>> -so ftware-150901200622345.html
>>>> ....
>>>> It is increasingly clear that the world's governments see the encryption
>>>> tool as a threat to the repression. I begin to see many similar news..
>>>> In the following years they will try to ban it "legally" with the
>>>> complicity of the manufacturers and big IT companies (that will
>>>> implement ONLY in-secure encryption breakeable by secret agencies).
>>>> We have to remember that 'encrypt' will be a crime shortly.
>>>> Maybe agood way to avoid this is to make more widespread encryption. If
>>>> not, will be so easy to them recognize who is using encryption just
>>>> sniffing traffic massively.
>>>> What's your opinion?. Let's brainstorm some strategies...
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