Autor: Go Linux Data: 2015-09-01 13:57 -000 Para: dng Assunto: Re: [DNG]
The show goes on: “su” command replacement merged into systemd on Fedora Rawhide
On Tue, 9/1/15, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
Subject: Re: [DNG] The show goes on: “su” command replacement merged into systemd on Fedora Rawhide
To: dng@???
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015, 8:37 AM
> We do not need these sorts of debates here, we need to facilitate the
> work of those developing alternatives, without such tiring discussions.
> That's why I put under moderation Tobias posts and will do with all
> others that are here to foster such reiterated discussions. We are not
> here to debate systemd, its good and bads and the reasons behind it. We
> are here because we have already left, we have already decided it
> doesn't work for us and we are determined to develop and encourage the
> development of alternatives.
> Lets concentrate and make this campfire a pleasant place for all those
> who are busy and can use good advices and testing. There is a lot of
> space for future successful developments here, the demand and good ideas
> are surely not lacking.
Agreed. Tobias 'contributions' are a waste of our good time and distract us from our goal. Please moderate his posts so we can get on with the task at hand.