:: Re: [DNG] netman GIT project
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Szerző: Edward Bartolo
Dátum: 2015-08-28 11:21 -000
Címzett: Steve Litt
CC: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] netman GIT project
Found a call to calloc() without a matching call to free() in core_functions.c

i) eth0, wlan0 can be upped and downed from GUI
ii) eth0 configuration cannot be edited from GUI
iii) wifi configuration can be edited from GUI
iv) wifi hotspot scanning works
v) listing of configured wifis and eth0 supported

TODO: (ie what I am doing now)
i) Testing of using a root SUID for backend instead of sudo
ii) automatic selection of strongest wifi signal but on request by
user. That is, user presses a button to instruct netman to search
instead of having it eating CPU cycles without being told to.

After achieving these goals, the new goal will be that of internationalisation.

Those who are 'worried' about netman/backend not recognizing
international characters, shall be listened to. :)

These are my humble ideas... Anyone who has other ideas is free to
make them known.


On 27/08/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
> Also successfully detected multiple simultaneously active connections
> from Lazarus code. The next step will be to implement network
> connection identification in C code.
> After that, I will do my next commit to git.devuan.org
> Automatic searching for Wifi hotspots probably will need a separate
> thread to simplify the code, although I am confident this can be
> achieved from the main thread without crippling it. However, without a
> separate thread, the code will be far more complex and difficult to
> read.
> I am opting for a separate thread.
> Edward
> On 27/08/2015, Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>> It worked.
>> Now, I must find a way to determine whether we can communicate with a
>> router. Found that also.
>> "ip a | grep wlan0"
>> With wifi switched on and connection active: state UP
>> With wifi turned off and connection still active: state DOWN
>> That is what I need.
>> Edward
>> On 27/08/2015, Steve Litt <slitt@???> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 27 Aug 2015 15:40:49 +0100
>>> Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:
>>>> I added another function to core_functions.c. It attempts to connect
>>>> to eth0 but for some weird reason, probably a bug not from our part,
>>>> it is failing.
>>>> The function is: int connectWired(const char ethx)
>>>> And the error is: (passed command to execl is "ifup eth0")
>>>> "This command should be called as ifup, ifdown, or ifquery"
>>>> Any pointers as to what is the cause are appreciated.
>>> You might get lucky by sending execl the full path to ifup, perhaps
>>> it's /sbin/ifup and execl didn't send the environment.
>>> SteveT
>>> Steve Litt
>>> August 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts
>>> http://www.troubleshooters.com/tjust
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