:: [DNG] NVidia driver howto?
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著者: hal
To: dng
題目: [DNG] NVidia driver howto?
Hi all,
I have an Nvidia GTX 750ti card in the box I'm testing x86_64 Alpha2 on. After install, both Slim and X run an 800x600 resolution which is not good for me. I am used to installing either nvidia-xxx from apt (on Ubuntuish
distros) or downloading the Linux NVidia binary install driver from nvidia.com. The latter being a bit difficult to setup.

I searched for 'devuan nvidia' and did not find any howto/docs so went to wiki.debian.org where it shows to add the jessie non-free repo for nvidia support (deb http://http.debian.net/debian/ jessie main contrib non-free).
Hmm.. which way to go.

I installed the NVidia download driver instead but it does not seem to produce a usable display. During boot, there is a switch from text to vga mode and the screen goes black. If I boot single-user I can start xfce as
root and the video mode is very nice. Before I start messing with grub video modes or disabling plymouth with kernel parameter, I thought it best to ask what would work best with Devuan?

THanks for all your hard work on Devuan