:: Re: [DNG] netman GIT project
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Auteur: Steve Litt
Date: 2015-08-27 17:19 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] netman GIT project
On Thu, 27 Aug 2015 15:40:49 +0100
Edward Bartolo <edbarx@???> wrote:

> I added another function to core_functions.c. It attempts to connect
> to eth0 but for some weird reason, probably a bug not from our part,
> it is failing.
> The function is: int connectWired(const char ethx)
> And the error is: (passed command to execl is "ifup eth0")
> "This command should be called as ifup, ifdown, or ifquery"
> Any pointers as to what is the cause are appreciated.

You might get lucky by sending execl the full path to ifup, perhaps
it's /sbin/ifup and execl didn't send the environment.


Steve Litt
August 2015 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts